For All Ages and Stages

Explore what we offer

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Our daytime homeschool, unschool and afterschool enrichment programs strive to engage kids in making real world connections. We will offer an integrated philosophy focused on encouraging students to explore their creativity through movement, mixed-media expression and finding inspiration in the natural environment.

Children will have the opportunity to spend time caring for, learning about and cuddling chickens, reading to a rabbit, maintaining the worm bin, hands on gardening, art experiences that incorporate theatricality, active play and tactile art as well as activities such as puzzles and games. Most importantly, children will be invited to express their interests and have support finding ways to follow them.

Upcoming Events

Gardening and Art is for Everyone! We will offer on-site Workshops, Events and Open Studio days for all ages and stages including:

  • T.I.M.E. (Tactile Interactive Meaningful Engagement) for Infants, Wobblers and Toddlers and their parent or caregiver, encouraging understanding and connection (previously named Baby Moves)

  • Preschooler Explorations and Parents' Tea

  • Hands-on workshops for Homeschooling, Unschooling & Community Groups

  • Teen Teaching Co-op (Teens teaching Teens their skills)

  • Creative Endeavors for Adults

  • Garden Tours, Talks & Hands-on Workshops

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Have supplies will travel. Growing arts has been bringing its movement events to schools, libraries and community spaces since 2001.

Our unique, developmentally appropriate movement programs:

  • T.I.M.E. (infants - toddlers)

  • Stretch, Dance, Play! (2-5)

  • Yoga Go! (5-12)

  • I Dance (5-12)

Art workshops are geared towards teens and adults:

  • Mixed Media Collage

  • 3-Dimensional Paper Arts

  • Miniature Plants

  • Teacup Gardens

  • Star Book Ornaments

About the Space

At the end of a curving pathway, under the shade of a towering pin oak, sits Growing Arts Studio. Previously a garage, we are making upgrades as we are able to.

Opportunities also include:

  • Tours, Talks and Workshops in the cottage garden and food forest

  • Garden Spa Days

  • Birthday Parties

  • Visiting Artists and Educators

We are fundraising for upgrades such as replacing the garage door with glass doors to let in natural light

Visit our gofundme page: Help Growing Arts Set Down Roots to see photos of the space

Since 2001, Iris Nason, the founder and principal educator of Growing Arts, has been bringing creative movement and process oriented art to schools, community spaces and libraries as she moved from place to place in Massachusetts, Colorado and Oregon.

In 2019 Iris Nason and Isaac Fellows, a Youth Services Librarian at Happy Valley Library, bought their first home and the possibilities of setting down roots became an actuality. Having her community work be uprooted by the pandemic, Iris spent her sudden free time completely transforming her lawn and driveway into a lush and calming oasis. Her garden was featured in the 2024 Sellwood Garden Tour, a fundraising event for Sellwood Middle School.

How we came to be

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!